About Me

I'm tired. That's something about myself you all should know right? Oh, okay, you're tired too. So we can agree that we are all tired. I'm also a mom, which ties in to that whole tired thing. When I'm not tired I like to attempt to read things, things that will make me smarter, or at least feel that I am, in some small way, a better person. Not a better person than other people. Just better in general. Apparently being better is the thing these days. Anyway, I live in Portland, Oregon with my husband and my energetic almost-two-year old daughter. I'm an unemployed parent that works a lot (I was once told by a seventeen year old kid that I'm unemployed if I don't work outside the home. I'm pretty sure this is not the PC thing to call a stay-at-home parent, but I thought his innocent honesty was pretty great.) I'm a former preschool teacher that has an English degree and a penchant for overanalyzing situations that arguably don't really matter (like what happens in the grocery store check out line.) I like food, run-on sentences and comma splicing (okay, I don't like them, but they happen a lot in my life), reading, attempting to organize things, writing (hence all the comma splicing), editing (because of all the comma splicing), and other things. I have no pets (if you saw my plants you'd understand), and now you know more about me than most of my relatives do. Oh yeah, my name is Hannah and I'm thirty-two going on sixty-five (I like to knit and do puzzles, I'm like the oldest young person I know.) Thanks for stopping by the blog! 

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