Monday, October 6, 2014



I had to create a Google Plus account. Mostly because this blog is powered by Blogger which is a Google thing, and since it's a Google thing I have been sucked into their universe and now must do everything they tell me. That, and it's just a good way to be able to share blog posts. Anyway, when you create a Google Plus account you have to create a little description of yourself. It's kind of like a class in Marketing 101, except you don't have to pay for it. Sum yourself up in seven words or less! Um, okay, that's easy.  So I summed up myself by using two things I am, one thing I do, and one thing I love. My description reads: "Mom, wife, blogger, lover of bacon." My husband read it. "I don't think you are being very authentic,"  he says to me. Um, what? "You love toast more than you love bacon." Okay, well, he's got me there. I do really love toast. I think bread and jam should be a food group. I also really love pie. I actually really might love pie more than I love toast or bacon. So maybe my description should simply be "Lover of Pie." Or we can kick it up a notch and make it "Pie Aficionado." Seriously, I ate a piece of pumpkin pie every single day for the last three months of my pregnancy. It's not my fault the end of my pregnancy also coincided with pie season. It was a fluke, but a really really great one. I told the doctors that if our little girl came out all orange that they shouldn't worry, it wasn't jaundice, it was just all the pie I ate. (For the record, she didn't come out orange. She does love pumpkin though.) 

 Then it occurred to me that I also really love coffee. So much so that I put a picture of a latte on my Google Plus account. Do you know what goes really well with coffee? Chocolate. I really love chocolate too. So my description should really be "Lover of chocolate, bacon, pie, toast, and coffee, in no particular order." But that's a few too many things for a personal description. Maybe I'll just start calling myself a foodie. Come to think of it, why isn't this blog about food? 

1 comment:

  1. Haha, I became a foodie...join the yummy side of life! Become a foodie!
