Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Shawshank Baby

This morning when I went to change my daughter's diaper I found something. 

No, not that something. 

I had to unzip her footy pajamas, and as I unzipped them - a comb fell out. 

Not a little kid comb or a baby comb, but a full adult-size comb. 

She had stuffed the whole thing down one of the pant legs of her pajamas.
I don't know if she slept with it all night, or stuffed it in there this morning, or if she is planning to use it to dig her way out of here (like in Shawshank Redemption), but this morning I learned that my little girl is totally capable of squirreling away contraband in her clothing. 

I don't think this bodes well for the future. 

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