Monday, September 22, 2014

Bad Day

Ice Cream Cone Day

So far it's just been a ridiculous, awful day.  It started going south last night, when my daughter woke up with a soaking wet diaper and wouldn't go back to sleep (except, of course, in mom and dad's bed). It continued this morning when she woke at 5:30 a.m. (why don't children have snooze buttons?) Then she wet the bed again at nap time, and my house now looks likes 20 college freshmen and a team of toddlers stormed through and forgot to clean up. In my zombie state of mind I have accomplished nothing I set out to do today. So at this point, the only redeeming factor is that it's National Ice Cream Cone Day. I mean, the fact that ice cream cones somehow managed to make it onto the national calendar tells me that at least one bureaucrat out there knows what's up. So there's that. 

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