Thursday, September 18, 2014

Stranger Danger

Stranger Danger 

What complete strangers say to a woman holding a baby: "Oh my, she's beautiful, how old is she? Oh, does she walk/talk/sleep through the night yet? Oh well my Jimmy didn't walk/talk/ sleep through the night until he was 5. No really. And Janie started talking when she was 6 months old and never shut up! Ha! Well is this your first? Are you going to have a second? You should have a second! Do you stay home with this little one? Oh well aren't you lucky. When do you go back to work? Because you have to be a role model for her and society in general we can't leave that up to Britney Spears, oh no, I mean you know how celebrities are these days. Did you have a natural birth? Did you read that new book/see that new documentary on birth/breastfeeding/parenting/commercialized toys? Where do you want her to go to college?...."

What complete strangers say to a man holding a baby: "Cute kid."

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