Saturday, September 20, 2014

Injury Free

In Pursuit of a Mostly Injury Free Lifestyle 

According to a Consumer Reports poll the rate of accidents caused by simultaneously walking and texting has gone up significantly. 

Of course, the klutziest of us have been aware of this issue for some time, we have advocated for klutzes everywhere by suggesting pedestrians 'pull over' and stop walking while they text. 

Constant vigilance people! Constant vigilance! 

One lady fell right into a fountain while texting, which is hilarious, but bad for our cause as it only reiterates stereotypes against our growing klutz demographic. 

Represent klutzy constituents everywhere, show that klutzes can be responsible! 

Accident prone, yes we are, but we are capable, aware, and vigilant in our pursuit of a normal, mostly injury free lifestyle.

Klutzes Unite!

 Don't text and walk!

Save a life!

 (Or at least spare yourself public humiliation.)

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